Loukessa Hawkins is a wife of sixteen years and mother of three boys, ages twelve, fifteen and twenty-two.  She also holds a leadership role in her local church, where she has served for the last fifteen years.  In these roles, she has certainly encountered life's 'ups and downs,' as well, she's learned how to rely on her faith and inner-disciplines to help her build and maintain healthy relationships, in challenging situations.  

Through formal education, Loukessa has laid a sound foundation for her business, Restoring Relationships Coaching Ministry, LLC, through which she provides Life Coaching that helps individuals and families by "Overcoming, Raising the Bar and Crossing the Finish Line."  She has an earned Master's in Organizational Leadership, Bachelor's Degree in Human Services, With a Concentration in Youth Work, and an Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education,  As well, she has extensive professional trainings, with numerous specialized certifications.

Loukessa has an exemplary record of service in ministry and a distinguished career in social services.  She is employed in the Human Services field, where she has worked for over twenty years in various positions, including program coordinator, case manager, family support specialist, parent educator, infant toddler and pre-school teacher. Currently, she functions as a case manager at her job, the family development pastor in her church, principal of her family-owned and operated H.A.W.K.S. home school, and as a Certified Christian Professional Life Coach of her own business specializing in parenting education, life issues and bettered relationships - either through restoration or healthy breaks.